((This, is the begining post of our fanfiction story! Remember, this is set in the 1st hunger games. So, without further Delay, I give you, The 1st Hunger Games.))

    "District 13 is destroyed. They know they have no choice but to obey. What else would they do? None of the Districts have enough power to even think of attacking us again. We are immortal." Cori smiles at me. It's that awful grin, the one where his crooked teeth seem to gleam, and he bats his eyelashes flirtatiously. He thinks I like it when he talks like that. Like he's President. But I guess he will be someday. His mother is President. His father left them at a young age. Not many people know this about Cori. He's reclusive. He cares so much about who he's related to and his importance in life. It's...well it's kinda creepy.
    Coriolanus Snow runs a hand through his dark red hair. Tommorow, it will be purple, the next day, a shade of black darker than pitch. He likes change, much more than I ever will. The Capitol is all for change these days, and to keep these mutinous District's in line, it's a good thing it is. I sigh, and lean back on the couch. He sits down next to me, and pulls me close to him, his lips touching mine.
    I do not kiss him back. He doesn't seem to notice.
    "My mother wishes to talk to you." he whispers in my ear. I stare at him, his emerald green eyes showing nothing but the truth. Me? The President of Panem wants to speak to me? I blink, and he notices my confusion.
    Cori stands up. We are in a bare room. It is small, only holding one black couch. The wall in front of us is nothing but window, staring out at the Capitol. The floor is made of thick, onyx colored carpet. I could fall asleep on it if I wanted to. Cori presses his hand up against the glass of the window. "She wants to offer you a job."
    I blink once more. A job? Me? What, is it because I'm dating her son? Not even that is the truth. He believes I am in love with him. It is not so.
    "She is waiting for you in the dining room down the hall. I'll wait here."
    Of course he will. He will wait paitently by the door until I get back. Cori is like that. Polite, smart, confident, everything a girl could ever want. But he is needy. He is too affectionate. We are both 15, and yet he has spoken to me about marriage twice.
    I stand up from the couch. Cori is a head taller than me, and his skin has an almost green sheen to it. I quickly turn away from him. I open the door to the hallway, and slowly make my way to the door on the otherside. I walk past the elevator, wishing that I could make my escape now. But with the Rebellion, President Snow is probably angry as it is. Best not to irritate her.
    I knock on the door, and she answers. President Snow is an old woman. She, just like the rest of the Capitol, dresses oddly. She looks like a vampire today, her hair white, her eyes black, and her lips ruby like. She frowns at my appearance. I have ringlet filled blue hair. I was tired of people complaining about my dull mousy color, and changed it to something suitable to my liking. I have not changed it since. My eyes are my natural dark blue, my skin pale, but not white. Not yet. I wear a short blue dress that is too tight and suffocates me. My heels are cutting into my feet. I can almost feel the President's distate.
    "Enter." she commands, and I do just that. President Ellis Snow glides to the head of the table. I sit at the other end.
    "I suppose you heard," she starts. "That the Capitol has won against the Rebellion."
    I nod. Of course I have heard. The Rebellion has been going on for years. The 13 Districts got tired of the Capitol's Rule, and for 11 years, fought against them. Finally, the Capitol used District 13's industry against them. The District was aimed at with Nuclear bombs. Only ashes are left, along with the hazardous waste left over. The fighting ended abrubtly, the District's giving in.
    "We have to find a way to punish the 12 remaining Districts."
    "Punishment?" I ask softly. I am told my voice is light, like a feather, but quick, like an arrow to the heart.
    "We have to remind the Districts that the Capitol is in charge. That Rebellion is pointless. That the damge they have done will not be forgotten. That we in the Capitol are not afraid to kill."
    I swallow. "I suppose you have an idea."
    President Snow stands. "If I sent you out in the wilderness with 23 other enemies, and only one could live, what would you do?"
    "Hide." I reply quietly, unsure of where the conversation was going. "Hide, and wait for the biggest and meanest to kill each other off."
    "What if you faced the last person alive? Would you kill them?"
    I do not answer.
    "One boy and one girl from each District. They will be young, the ages 12-18. They will be sent into the wilderness to kill each other off. The last one standing gets glory for their district."
    My jaw has dropped. The President watches me carefully. "You," I stutter. "You-you want to preform killing games with the District's children? What will that prove?"
    "The District's are dying. The war has left them barely alive. They arn't killing games, though. Hunger games, is a more correct term. The last child living, their district gets food."
    "Hunger games." I whisper. "And you want me because?"
    President Snow smiles, and I know my choice has been made for me. "You are my Gamemaker. You're going to set it up. You will build my wilderness, gather the children. You will run the Games, as that is exactly what they are. The rest of the details will be made out later. Oh, and get some cameramen ready will you? The event needs to be broadcasted.
    "So the children's parents can watch the ones they love most die. This is their punishment. This is the Hunger Games. Run along, Veritas. You have work to do."
    I have been chosen to send children to their death. I have been chosen to set up the world's worst punishment and use it as entertainment, like the Romans did, years before.
    I am a Gamemaker.

Jessica Everdeen
1/29/2011 12:59:50 pm

Taylor its so good im going to cry, :D

literally. Im going to go cry now.


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