
So who am I & why am I doing this ?

Im just a normal person. In school. Im not a nerd. Well maybe a nerd for the Hunger games :3 Im in the band. I generally dont read. If I pick up a book I read it and I enjoy it. I'm not the type of person who when I finish a book I go straight back to the library to find another one. I read what comes to me. My friend who always enjoys reading -and almost everyweek seems to have a new book- came up to me in History one day and told me about The Hunger Games. She told me I would really like it. I doubted it but I agreed to read it because I dont read that often. Ive read through a couple of series like The princess Diaries series - I would like to add they are very good but PG-13 compared to the movies. hahah- and a couple of others. So I started the Hunger Games and became attached. I couldnt stop reading. 24/7 I would read. My routine was read all day during school, come home and read until 1:00 AM, and the repeat. That went on for about 2 days until I finished the book. Rabid and a bit crazy for more I begged my friend to let me read the second. Without haste I read through Catching fire and then the same with Mockingjay. All I did for 5 days was read. I honestly dont remember anything from those few days. I couldn't even tell you what I had eaten for dinner the night before. All I could tell you is that I was at the begining of a beautiful friendship/ love affair of what I call "Me and the Hunger Games". I eat, sleep, & breathe The Hunger games. I couldnt & still can't get enough. I frequently find myself researching online about the soon to be made movie - YAY :D - , reviews of The Hunger Games series, Hopeful castings for the movies, & making this website for you. Its been over a month since I put down Mocking Jay and I still refuse to move onto another book. Hopefully this website will give me the strength to re-live The Hunger Games, explain its true beauty and pain, and to finally be able to get on with me life and not be quite a nerd. :) I love to collect The Hunger Games Items -I dont have much of a collection yet :( -. I recently ventured into the very scary "Hot Topic" store and looked for merchandise. I have an official Mocking Jay pin , a poster of the cover of "The Hunger Games" & the Hardcover boxset.

Excuse my rambling and im going to start reading now, :)   - UnknownEverdeen