

Cinna is Katniss's designer for the Hunger Games. He provided her with a variety of outfits and dresses for all of the interviews and public events Katniss has attended. With this Gold eyeliner and charming personality it is very hard not to love him.
About Cinna :  Cinna's first year as a stylist was during the 74th Hunger Games. He was assigned to District 12 not because it was his first year & they made him. He was put as one of the District 12 designers because he asked for it. Cinna's "costumes" for Katniss may have very well saved her life during the games. They are what caught the crowds eyes - other than her score of 11 out 12 in the private session - . Usually since the main trait of District 12 is coal the tributes were either dressed in black or completely naked and covered in coal dust - talk about uncomfortable ? - . Cinna took the coal aspect and turned it into the burning embers of the coal, the reds, oranges, and the yellows. The warmer colors of the coals. Cinna took her from Katniss the girl from the coal district to "Katniss The Girl On Fire". He and the other designer from District 12 Portia created fire that they could light Peeta and Katniss's opening ceremony costumes on fire but it wasn't harmful to them. Genius and beautiful. Her interview dress was covered in red, orange, and yellow jewels so when she spinned they would glimmer and look as though she was in a shimmery blaze. After the Hunger Games was over and there was the final interview before they went on the victory tour she wore a simple yellow sundress to portray her as innocent & a Star Crossed lover from District 12. Cinna's designs saved Katniss's life on many accounts. Without them she would not be the beautiful "MockingJay" she is today. During the 6 month Victory tour Victors are supposed to take up a talent. Peeta's talent being painting since he is already talented at decorating cakes - which helped him camoflauge in the first book during the games - . Katniss could not find a talent other than Hunting. Ofcourse she couldnt pick that as her talent because it was ilegal. So Cinna would draw and design her outfits so she could lie and say her talent was fashion designing. Cinna and Katniss were close friends. He wasn't from the capitol so he was very much normal compared to people like Effie Trinket. During the Victory Tour when they stopped in the capitol Peeta Proposed. Cinna designed wedding dresses for Katniss and let the Nation decide. The winning dress is in the picture above. It is very accurate with the dress draped in pearls and a plunging V-Neckline. Very heavy with Cinna's "special touches". The only thing that isnt accurate is that her sleeve in the picture are low but they are not draping to the floor like they are supposed to be. Since the 75th Hunger Games -AKA : The Quarter Quell- was announced the wedding was called off because Peeta and Katniss both had to go back into the Arena. Cinna decided that during her interveiw before the Quarter Quell she was to wear her wedding dress. Little did she know that when she twirled for the audience it would burn in Cinna's "special flame" to uncover a layer of the same dress but in black feathers. The Black Feathers resembled The MockingJay which is "The symbol of rebelion" . Cinna's was one of the most complex and vital characters in the series. He is personally one of my favorites, :)