Okay so pretty much what were doing is recreating the Hunger Games. Not the whole book. But the actual
Hunger Games. So it is undecided how many people will be in this. But it should start soon. We will be posting a list of everyone who is play -fake names of course- and all of the rules. You can comment and sponser someone if you wish. We want to include you in this too. The person who will be writing this is Veris Black. She is a very good friend of mine and an amazing writer. She will take what we've done at school and turn it into a story. We will have rules like "You can only injure the same person once per day." "You have to Injure someone two days in a row to kill them"
"Sponsors -YOUGUYS!- can send us things to help us survive." It should be alot of fun. I will have more information up about it soon & and then i'll turn it all over to Veris Black !

                                          May the Odds be ever in your favor - Jessica Everdeen.