So yes, if we have a school hunger games, there will indeed be rules. What fun would there be if I went up to Jessica Everdeen, slit her throat, and said "You're dead! HA!"....


So, yes, we have rules. Boohoo. Get over yourself (or feel my wrath!!!)

(I am much more eviler ((that's not a word)) online than I am in real life. Hmph.)


On the first day of the Hunger Games, you will start out with 50 life points.

You have the ability to wound, yes, but their are two types of wounds. A mortal wound (stab to the heart, ect.) and a simple wound (arm scratch, cut, ect.). Each participant can wound twice a day, one mortal wound, one simple. They do not have to be on the same person, but they most certainly can be. A mortal wound causes 10 point damage. A simple causes five. Each night, you regain five points of health. (unless I say you have gotten some disease or something and you can't heal. I'm a gamemaker. I can do that.)

Here's an example. I'll be using some of our particpants.

Let's say it's the first day. Jessica Everdeen comes over to me and stabs me in the chest (mortal) and slashes my cheek (simple). Jessica cannot do anything to anyone else the rest of the day. She has used up her wounding skills. I am now down to 35 life points. A day passes, and I regan 5 points, to be at 40 life points. Chandler (last name to be chosen later) attacks me mortaly, and attacks Jessica simpley. Jessica is at 45 points, and I'm at 30. Now lets say Jessica is poisoned. She does NOT regain life points overnight, but I do. I am now at 35, she at 45.

Once you get to zero, you die...

That is until the next hunger games of course :)

Tommorow (or later tonight) I will start on our lovely fanfiction.

And since I don't have BRILLIANT QUOTE LIKE MISS EVERDEEN I found my own!

"I always channel my emotions into my work. That way I don't hurt anyone but myself." -Veris Black