Im sorry for not updating the site for a while. Veris and I have been focusing on grades and band competitions we kind of just abandoned the site. In Languge arts we are reading The Hunger Games. Our school HungerGames were at a stand still and going no one. They have been cut off. It's sad that we'd have to do this but school is just too much. Anyways like I was saying we are reading The Hunger Games in LA. Me being .. well .. me (hahah) finished in one day. Now im reading Catching Fire again on my own terms. We are having to fill out this booklet called the student survival package. My LA teacher is a Hunger Games Fanatic so doing the book in class should be fun. I will continue to update the site on what projects we are doing in class. Possible things are a debate about peeta vs. Gale. A paint like Peeta Day and ect. Thanks for your support as even though I havent updated in a while we are still continuing to get views on our site (: We are eagerly awaiting March 23 2012.

                                                              May the Odds be ever in your favor - Jessica