I love having classes where we are allowed to use computers. I can work on the site tomorrow during history, LA, maybe reading and very rarely but sometimes Algebra . Thank you Schools for computers ! XD anyways I am excited for another chapter of "The First Hunger Games" It follows the story of Vertias Silvertounge Black. She was chosen by
Coriolanus Snow's mother. The current president of Panem. Days after the rebellion is over and the Capitol has won Veritas gets called into president Snow's office. She has been chosen to be the Game Maker in the first ever Hunger Games. Here is an excerpt of the first chapter.

"District 13 is destroyed. They know they have no choice but to obey. What else would they do? None of the Districts have enough power to even think of attacking us again. We are immortal." Cori smiles at me. It's that awful grin, the one where his crooked teeth seem to gleam, and he bats his eyelashes flirtatiously. He thinks I like it when he talks like that. Like he's President. But I guess he will be someday. His mother is President. His father left them at a young age. Not many people know this about Cori. He's reclusive. He cares so much about who he's related to and his importance in life. It's...well it's kinda creepy.
    Coriolanus Snow runs a hand through his dark red hair. Tommorow, it will be purple, the next day, a shade of black darker than pitch. He likes change, much more than I ever will. The Capitol is all for change these days, and to keep these mutinous District's in line, it's a good thing it is. I sigh, and lean back on the couch."

to read more go to our page titled "The First Ever Hunger Games".
Or if your lazy just click here ------v


Chapter two is coming soon !    
                                                      May the Odds be ever in your favor - Jessica Everdeen.
So when my life isnt really working out the way I would like, I take a vacation to Panem. Now where's my book ?
Comment On Veris's Chapter One. Its amazing.

It needs to rain.

                                      May the Odds be ever in your favor - Jessica Everdeen.
So on this website that I found, this girl is writing a story. I couldnt find any more chapters, but here is a link to chapter one. The story starts at the reaping. It really only covers the reaping since I havent been able to find anymore chapters and I dont think she wrote any. So basicly its the reaping from Peeta's point of view. I thought it was really cool so I wanted to share it with you guys, :)
                                                       May the Odds be ever in your favor - Jessica Everdeen.                                  
So me and Veris were talking and soon we will have a full profile for each of the contestants. Including a picture, which district they're from, theyre weapon of choice, & any special skills they have. During the school day I will be doing interviews on each character and then ill put it all together. :) Comment on the profile you would like to sponsor once we have the pages up.

                                                  May the Odds be ever in your favor - Jessica Everdeen.
Okay so I just got an email from weebly saying that in the past 4 days my site has reached 256 views. We dont know who views it but we're so excited and want to thank you !

                                             May the Odds be ever in your favor - Jessica Everdeen.
So I like this one. I like how this trailer depicted the capitol. That building looks amazing XD hahah
So were still working on signing people up for our first Hunger Games at school. We will have more character Biographys soon. With the whole "School Hunger Games" going on and us planning and making sure everything works I will be taking a break from doing the chapter by chapter summaries. BUT they will go on soon.

IMPORTANT NEWS ! : The Hunger Games movie will come out March 23rd 2012 Lions Gate announced, I can't wait !

                                                           May the Odds be ever in your favor - Jessica Everdeen
I love doing Character Biographys. So if you have any suggestions on what Characters I should do or who you would like to see comment on this post ! 

                                    May the Odds be ever in your favor - Jessica Everdeen.
I am sitting in reading. Veris Black is still taking her test. Our LA teacher loves the website but seriously thinks we're nerds now. Although I bet she already did. I am sitting with Sarah and Bree. :D Veris will post the rules for the School Hunger Games so make sure to check out that page. We are still signing people up for our Hunger Games, but we will have a list of the people already signed up soon. With fake last names of course. 

                                                                 May the Odds be ever in your favor - Jessica Everdeen.
Im sorry im posting so many times today. Im just really excited about this website. In this video CleVVer TV talks about how Jodelle Ferland dressed up as Katniss Everdeen for halloween. I happen to have a picture on the "Fan Pictures" page. But anyways, what do you guys think ? Is she ready to take on the role ? Would she make a good Katniss and be able to project through acting all the emotions Katniss goes through in the Hunger Games Trilogy ? Comment below and tell me why ?